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Rose Petal Champagne Cocktail
Rose Petal Champagne Cocktail. The roses are enjoying a late flush of loveliness at Maddocks Farm Organics and the Indian summer means that it is still possible to sit outside of an evening and enjoy a wee glass of something lovely. This is a perfect recipe for Wedding Receptions or special occasions as Rose Petal Champagne Cocktails but is also equally nice on a Saturday night with a cheap bottle of proscecco from the local supermarket – we’re dead posh here! First make some rose petal syrup. Very easy to do and it will keep in the fridge for up to a month.  Make sure you only use organic unsprayed rose petals. Those from supermarket, florists etc will have been sprayed and are not suitable for human consumption. You can buy organic edible roses from our website or enjoy those from your garden as long as they’ve not been sprayed. Pour a good slug of rose petal syrup into a glass and top up with chilled bubbly. If you are very, very posh then you can float some rose petals on the top of your glass. The rose petals syrup is also lovely drizzled over cake, with sparkling water for a refreshing non alcoholic drink and is also in Margie’s lovely pannacottas.